Elizabeth Motts Bush

11 December 1842 — 21 October 1911

1 Born at Weybread, Suffolk, England; daughter of Martha Godbold and Robert Motts. 2 Moved to the northeast London area to work as a domestic servant, circa 1861. 3 Lived in the St. Pancras area of London with her aunt’s family, by 1871. 4 Married her cousin James Bush at Camden Town parish in London, 1873; two children. 5 Served as secretary of the North London Branch Relief Society, 1885–1888. 6 Emigrated from England aboard the ship Wisconsin, 1888; settled at Salt Lake City. 7 Died at Salt Lake City. 8 (See Document 4.22)


  1. [1] “Utah Death Certificate Index, 1904–1961,” database and images, Utah State Archives (http://archives.utah.gov, accessed Oct. 2014); from Utah Department of Health, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, series 81448, file no. 1373/200 (1911), Elizabeth W. Bush.

  2. [2] 1851 England and Wales census, Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, p. 6, Elizabeth Motts in household of Robert Motts; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Oct. 2014); citing Census Returns of England and Wales, 1851, PRO HO 107, National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey, England. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org, accessed Aug. 2014), Elizabeth Motts KWJD-BGK .

  3. [3] 1861 England and Wales census, St. Christopher le Stocks, Middlesex, England, p. 22, Elizabeth Motts in household of William Chidzey; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Oct. 2014); citing Census Returns of England and Wales, 1861, PRO RG 9, National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey, England.

  4. [4] 1871 England and Wales census, St. Pancras, London, England, p. 4, Elizabeth Motts in household of Samuel and Hanna Bush; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Oct. 2014); citing Census Returns of England and Wales, 1871, PRO RG 10, National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey, England.

  5. [5] “London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754–1921,” database, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Aug. 2014); from London Metropolitan Archives, All Saints, Camden Town, register of marriages, P90/ALL1, item 016, p. 134, no. 268; citing Church of England Parish Registers, 1754-1921, London Metropolitan Archives, London. “Family Tree,” database, Elizabeth Motts KWJD-BGK and James Bush KWJX-NPF .

  6. [6] M. E. Scoles, “The North London Ladies’ Relief Society,” Woman’s Exponent 17, no. 18 (Feb. 15, 1889): 141–142.

  7. [7] “Mormon Migration,” database, 1840–1932, Mormon Migration (http://mormonmigration.lib.byu.edu, accessed Oct. 2014), Eliza Bush; extracted from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Immigration Index CD (2000). “Death of James Bush,” Deseret News Weekly, Nov. 11, 1893, 672. 1900 U.S. census, Salt Lake City Ward 4, Salt Lake Co., Utah, p. 2A, Elizabeth Bush; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Aug. 2014); from NARA microfilm publication T623, roll 1684.

  8. [8] Utah death certificate, file no. 1373/200.