The Church Historian's Press


Weekly Quote

Help Me to Bear All Things

O, Lord, is my cry, help me to bear all things which thou seest proper to require me to pass through; that I may never tremble or shrink; but that in patience and long-suffering I may submit to the abuse and wrath of the wicked. May all this be overruled for my salvation and thy glory. I know that it is thee against whom the shafts are leveled, it is against thy work the anger of the wicked is directed. (10 January 1882)

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Next to Brigham Young, George Q. Cannon was arguably the best-known Latter-day Saint in the last half of the nineteenth century. His record covers half a century, a period in which he served as an editor and publisher, a businessman, an educator, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a territorial delegate in Congress, and a counselor to church presidents Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and Lorenzo Snow.

This website publishes for the first time George Q. Cannon’s journal from 1855 through 1901. It also reproduces Cannon’s journal from 1849 through 1854, which was previously published in two print volumes.

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