Born in Staffordshire, England; baptized in 1844; immigrated to U.S. in 1848 and to Utah in 1851; member of Thirtieth Quorum of Seventy, of which GQC was a president; blacksmith by profession; helped settle town of Henefer, Utah, east of Salt Lake City on main emigrant route into Salt Lake Valley; served a mission in southern Utah in 1854; died in Salt Lake City. (See Conquerors of the West, 2:1073–74; Jenson, Encyclopedic History of the Church, 331, 776; Richins and Wright, Henefer, 2–3, 16; “Thirtieth Quorum of Seventies,” Deseret News, May 1, 1852; “Death of William Hennefer,” Deseret Evening News, Aug. 8, 1898; GQC journal, Apr. 20, 1854.)