Born in White County, Tennessee; moved with her family to Hancock County, Illinois; baptized in 1840 following arrival of Latter-day Saints in Illinois; immigrated in 1849 to Salt Lake City; married her cousin William Perkins; accompanied husband on mission to the Pacific in 1851; traveled with her husband to California in company with Francis and Mary Jane Hammond, Philip and Jane Lewis, John and Elvira Woodbury, and others; reached Hawai‘i with her husband in November 1851, their arrival having been delayed due to her poor health; returned to U.S. the following year because of health problems; helped settle St. George, Utah, in 1861; died in St. George. (See “Obituary,” Deseret Evening News, Aug. 30, 1887; MMH, biographical sketches, Nov. 30, 1851; Sept. 10, 1852; GQC journal, Dec. 15, 1851; Mar. 24, June 17, Sept. 21, 23, 1852.)