The Church Historian's Press

Parley Parker Pratt

1807– 1857

Older brother of Orson Pratt; born in Burlington, New York; baptized in 1830; baptized his brother Orson later that year and visited Kirtland, Ohio, as a missionary (the Church would establish its headquarters there the following year); ordained an apostle, 1835; that same year served mission to eastern U.S.; fulfilled mission to Canada in 1836, during which he converted John Taylor; fulfilled mission to New York City in 1837, where he first published A Voice of Warning; started Millennial Star while serving as missionary in Manchester, England, in 1840; left on another mission to England in 1846, returning in time to enter Salt Lake Valley in autumn 1847; went to San Francisco, California, to preside over Church affairs in the “islands and coasts of the Pacific” in 1851; fulfilled brief proselyting mission to Chile in addition to overseeing the work in Hawai‘i, California, Australia, and Society Islands; returned to California in 1854 to again preside over the Church in the Pacific; helped by GQC with his autobiography while in San Francisco in 1854; arranged for GQC to be called on mission to San Francisco to assist with publication of a newspaper in 1855; murdered in northwest Arkansas. (See Jenson, BE, 1:83–85; Whitney, History of Utah, 4:73–79; Pratt, Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt; Pratt, Essential Parley P. Pratt; Palmer and Grover, “Hoping to Establish a Presence”; GQC journal, frequent references, Aug. 1851–Sept. 1854.)