Brother of Kaleohano; deacon in the Reverend Jonathan Green’s church; invited GQC to visit him at his home in Kula, Maui, in spring 1851; baptized in June 1851, one of the initial converts made by GQC; ordained teacher at the organization of Kula Branch in August 1851; ordained priest prior to going to Moloka‘i to labor with John Woodbury in May 1853; labored with Reddin Allred on Moloka‘i in March 1854; captained the Lanai, a boat purchased by the mission, in June 1855; called on mission to Kaua‘i in October 1856; appointed traveling elder for Maui in 1865. (See Spurrier, Sandwich Islands Saints, 117–21; MMH, June 13, 1855; Oct. 9, 1856; GQC journal, frequent references, May 1851–Apr. 1854.)