The Church Historian's Press

Mary Jane Dilworth Hammond

1831– 1877

Born in Chester County, Pennsylvania; baptized in 1846; established a school shortly after arriving in Salt Lake City in October 1847; recognized as Utah’s first schoolteacher; friend of GQC’s sister Ann; married Francis Hammond in November 1848; gave birth to her first son, Francis Jr., shortly before leaving with her husband for Hawai‘i; established a home in Waiehu, then in Lahaina, Maui; taught school in the islands to help support her family; gave birth to two sons in the islands; left Hawai‘i in 1856; stopped initially at San Bernardino, California, before settling with her family in Ogden, Utah; moved to Huntsville, Utah, following her husband’s second mission to Hawai‘i; served as president of Huntsville Ward Relief Society from shortly after her arrival in the community until her death; died two weeks after giving birth to her twelfth child. (See Whitney, History of Utah, 4:326; Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, 2:1212; MMH, biographical sketches; Mary Jane Hammond journal; “Obituary,” Deseret News Weekly, June 20, 1877; GQC journal, frequent references, Aug. 1851–July 1854.)