The Church Historian's Press

Mary Alice Cannon Lambert

1828– 1920

Born in Liverpool, England; younger sister of GQC; orphaned at age fifteen when her father died in 1844; married Charles Lambert later that year, with him providing a home for her three youngest siblings—Angus, David, and Leonora Cannon; arrived in Salt Lake City in company with her husband, two sons, and three siblings shortly after GQC left for California in 1849; during journey suffered back injury that troubled her the rest of her life; settled with her family in Seventh Ward, where she served fifteen years as ward Relief Society secretary and another twenty-two years as president; served mission to Europe with her husband, 1882–83, and short genealogy mission to Europe, 1906, following his death; died in Salt Lake City. (See Lambert, “My Mother”; Evans and Cannon, Cannon Family Historical Treasury, 389; Cannon, George Cannon, The Immigrant, 154–62; Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, 2:1706–7; GQC journal, frequent references, July 1851–July 1854.)