Brother of Jonathan Napela; crippled from birth; baptized in December 1852 while residing in Waihe‘e, Maui; given priesthood blessing around time of baptism, which enabled him to walk; ordained priest at conference at Wailuku, Maui, in May 1853; assisted GQC with revision of Hawaiian translation of Book of Mormon in September 1853; served mission to Lana‘i in 1854; following departure of Utah missionaries in 1858, traveled through portions of Maui visiting the Saints; chosen as one of Walter Murray Gibson’s twelve apostles in 1862; encouraged the Latter-day Saints to support the missionaries who had arrived to reopen the Hawaiian mission following Gibson’s excommunication in 1864; called to preside over Maui conference in October 1864; called as missionary to Big Island in 1868 and again in 1873; later moved to La‘ie, O‘ahu, where he married the widow of J. W. H. Kou; served another mission to Big Island in 1878; died while fulfilling mission to Kaua‘i. (See Spurrier, Sandwich Islands Saints, 144–51; MMH, Dec. 30, 1854; Oct. 6, 1858; Apr. 6, 1862; Oct. 1, 1864; GQC journal, Dec. 10, 1852; May 28, July 10, Sept. 21, 1853.)