The Church Historian's Press

Joseph Augustine Peck

1830– 1916

Born in Danville, Vermont; immigrated to the Salt Lake Valley in 1848; traveled to California in 1849 with GQC and others bound for the gold fields; called on mission to Hawai‘i while living in Utah in 1854; one of the Hawai‘i-bound missionaries in vicinity of San Francisco, California, during GQC’s stay there in 1854; returned from Hawai‘i in 1855 because of poor health; blacksmith by profession, he was also employed by both Utah Territory and Salt Lake City as sealer of weights and measures; died in Salt Lake City. (See MMH, biographical sketches; Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men, 1094; Landon, To California in ’49, 185; Lyman, Payne, and Ellsworth, No Place to Call Home, 281; “Pioneer Blacksmith Dies at Age of 85,” Deseret Evening News, Mar. 28, 1916; GQC journal, July 22, 1854.)