The Church Historian's Press


Circa 1880s. Freeze joined the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association general board in 1898. She worked at the Salt Lake temple as well as the Bureau of Information on Temple Square. She also participated in the Utah Women’s Press Club.

Mary Ann Freeze

Photograph by Fox and Symons. (Church History Library, Salt Lake City.)

Circa 1875. Snow was a poet, a world traveler, and a renowned leader of Latter-day Saint women. She effectively linked the Nauvoo Relief Society to the resurgence of the organization in Utah Territory by preserving the Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book and traveling throughout Mormon settlements to help organize women and encourage them to speak.

Eliza R. Snow

Photograph by Charles Carter. (Church History Library, Salt Lake City.)

Shown delivering a general conference address, 1996. Okazaki was a prolific writer and popular speaker. A former elementary school teacher and principal, she frequently employed visual aids when she spoke.

Chieko N. Okazaki

Photograph by Welden C. Andersen. (Church History Library, Salt Lake City.)

Shown with sons Philip and Richard, circa 1916. Some eighteen years before this photo was taken, Knight was one of the first single female church members to serve as a missionary.

Jennie Brimhall Knight

Photograph by Larson and Bygreen. (Photograph in family possession. Courtesy Jennifer Whatcott Hooton.)

Shown at Social Service Training in Anaconda, Montana, circa 1920. Lyman, bespectacled in the center of the front row, became a trained social worker after formative visits to Hull House in Chicago and was a leader in implementing social service work within the Relief Society. Lyman served on the Relief Society general board for thirty-six years, including her time as president.

Amy Brown Lyman

Photograph by Montgomery Studio. (Church History Library, Salt Lake City.)

Shown as a missionary in Queenstown, South Africa, circa 1980. A native of South Africa, Brummer (pictured here, second from the right) was the first Latter-day Saint missionary fluent in the Xhosa language.

Judy Brummer

(Photograph in family possession. Courtesy Judy Brummer.)