The Church Historian's Press

Henry Eliot Gibson

1827– 1912

Older brother of Edgar Gibson; born in Ostego, New York; worked primarily as farmer and lumberman; baptized in New York in 1847; immigrated to Utah in 1848; traveled to California in company with GQC in 1849; at Greenwood Valley, California, in October 1850; returned to Utah in 1851 in company with Amasa Lyman; subsequently lived in Salt Lake City, Willard, Richmond, and Ogden, where he died. (See Whitney, History of Utah, 4:638–39; Landon, To California in ’49, 183; Tullidge, Tullidge’s Histories, 2:268–72; GQC journal, Oct. 19, 1850; July 11, 1851.)