Born 18 Feb. 1884 in Salt Lake City.[1] Daughter of Rulon Seymour Wells and Josephine Eliza Beatie.[2] Associated with EBW on many occasions, 1889–1909.[3] Baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her father, 5 July 1892.[4] Attended the University of Utah, 1904.[5] Married David Douglas Moffat, 18 Apr. 1906; five children.[6] Traveled with her husband to Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1924, and to Havana, Cuba, 1937.[7] Member of the board of the Neighborhood House, 1944–1947.[8] Died 25 Apr. 1960 in Salt Lake City.[9]
[1] Record of Members Collection, 1836–1970, Eighteenth Ward (Old), Part 1, 1855–1912, p. 336, 18 Mar. 1884, Josephine Louisa Wells, CR 375 8, image 175/648 (limited access), CHL. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed 21 Sept. 2020), Josephine Louisa Wells (K2HY-YXY).
[2] Record of Members Collection, 1836–1970, Eighteenth Ward (Old), Part 1, 1855–1912, p. 336, 18 Mar. 1884, Josephine Louisa Wells, CR 375 8, image 175/648 (limited access), CHL. Junius F. Wells, “The Wells Family Genealogy,” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1915): 12.
[3] EBW, Diary, 4 May 1889; 20 Dec. 1900; 6 Jan. 1906; 27 Oct. and 21 Nov. 1904; 23 Jan. 1905; 4 Aug. 1908; 24 July 1909.
[4] Record of Members Collection, 1836–1970, Eighteenth Ward (Old), Part 1, 1855–1912, p. 48, Josephine Wells, CR 375 8, image 79/648 (limited access), CHL. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed 21 Sept. 2020), Josephine Louise Wells (K2HY-YXY).
[5] “Old Times Recalled,” Salt Lake Telegram, 1 June 1904, 3.
[6] Salt Lake Co., UT, County Clerk, Marriage Records, 1887–1965, Marriage Licenses, vols. 6–7, no. 2074, David D. Moffat and Josephine L. Wells, microfilm 429064, DGS 4705940, image 97/883, FHL. Junius F. Wells, “The Wells Family Genealogy,” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1915): 12. 1930 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, ED 18-71, p. 2B, Douglas D. Moffat.
[7] “New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (Including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820–1957,” database, (, accessed 21 Sept. 2020). “Florida, Passenger lists, 1898–1963,” database, (, accessed 21 Sept. 2020).
[8] “Neighborhood House Golden Birthday,” Salt Lake Tribune, 14 Sept. 1944, 10. “Neighborhood House Picks New Officers,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 Jan. 1947, 12.
[9] “Utah State Archives Indexes,” database and images, Utah State Archives (, accessed 21 Sept. 2020); Utah Department of Health Office of Vital Records and Statistics Death Certificates, series 81448, file no. 959/60 (1960), Josephine Louisa Moffat. “Wife of Ex-Kennecott Official Dies,” Salt Lake Tribune, 26 Apr. 1960, 12.