Duncan McNeil McAllister

18 April 1842 — 15 May 1931

Born 18 Apr. 1842 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.[1] Son of George McAllister and Christina McNeil.[2] Baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 25 Oct. 1857.[3] Emigrated aboard the John J. Boyd, arriving in New York 29 May 1863.[4] Migrated to the Salt Lake Valley, by 1866.[5] Married Catherine E. Perkes, 20 Oct. 1866, in Salt Lake City.[6] Associated with EBW socially, 1874–1909; attended her funeral, 1921.[7] Secretary of the Zion’s Musical Society, 1880.[8] Founding member and vice president of the Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution’s Shoe Factory and Tannery Mutual Aid Society, 1880.[9] Member of the Tabernacle Choir at various times; charter member of the Caledonia Society of Utah, 1884.[10] Founding member of Zion’s Choral Union.[11] Wrote the “Health Hints” column for Deseret Evening News, 1886–1887.[12] Served as manager of business affairs in the office of the British mission, 1887–1889.[13] While on his mission, directed and helped organize the Genealogical Society, 1887.[14] Served as recorder for the Salt Lake temple, 1893–1916.[15] Served as recorder for the temple in St. George, Washington Co., Utah, 1916–1918.[16] Served as Salt Lake Stake patriarch, 1918–1931.[17] Served as recorder for the temple in Laie, Honolulu Co., Hawaii Territory, 1919–1920.[18] Died 15 May 1931 in Salt Lake City.[19]


[1] “Endowments of the Living, 1851–1884,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Temple, vol. E, 1864–1866, p. 82, line 1525, Duncan McNiel McAllister, 28 Jan. 1865, microfilm 183405 (restricted access), FHL. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D). “Scotland Census, 1851,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VYB8-TCH, accessed 4 Feb. 2020). “Miscellaneous Documents,” in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. 

[2] “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D). 

[3] “Endowments of the Living, 1851–1884,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Temple, vol. E, 1864–1866, p. 82, line 1525, Duncan McNiel McAllister, 28 Jan. 1865, microfilm 183405 (restricted access), FHL. “Miscellaneous Documents,” in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. 

[4] “Duncan Mcallister,” Saints by Sea (https://saintsbysea.lib.byu.edu/, accessed 8 May 2020). 

[5] “Duncan John Neil McAllister,” Pioneer Database (https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/overlandtravel/, accessed 25 Feb. 2020). 

[6]  “Sealings of Couples, Living and by Proxy, 1851–1889,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Endowment House, vol. D, 1861–1866, p. 647, line 8916, Duncan McNeil McAllister and Catherine Perkes, 20 Oct. 1866, microfilm 1149514 (restricted access), FHL. 

[7] EBW, Diary, 31 Aug. 1874; 20 Jan. 1909. “Journals of Duncan McNeil McAllister,” Journal, p. 79, 29 Apr. 1921, in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. 

[8] “Local and Other Matter: Zion’s Musical,” Deseret News, 19 May 1880, 1.

[9] “Local and Other Matters: Mutual Aid Society,” Deseret News, 19 May 1880, 1.

[10] Duncan M. McAllister, “Early Utah Music and Drama,” Instructor, June 1944, 277–278. “Historical Member Roster,” The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square (https://www.thetabernaclechoir.org/about/roster.all.m.html, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), McAllister, Duncan. Duncan McAllister, Salt Lake City, UT, to John Taylor, 2 Nov. 1886, CR 1 180, CHL.

[11] Duncan McAllister, Salt Lake City, UT, to John Taylor, 2 Nov. 1886, CR 1 180, CHL. “Zion’s Choral Union,” Deseret News, 1 Dec. 1886, 3.

[12] “Health Hints, Etc.,” Deseret Evening News, 4 Dec. 1886, 4. “Health Hints, Etc.,” Deseret News, 5 Jan. 1887, 2. 

[13] “Duncan John Neil McAllister,” Go Ye into All the World (https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/missionary/, accessed 25 Feb. 2020). Andrew Jenson, “Duncan McNeil McAllister,” in Latter-Day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History, 1901), 1:651–653. “The Missionaries,” Territorial Enquirer (Provo, UT), 10 June 1887, 3. “Current Events,” Deseret Weekly, 30 Nov. 1889, 31.

[14] Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 16 (1925): 25–28. “A Genealogical Bureau,” Deseret Evening News, 12 Sept. 1888, 2. 

[15] “Miscellaneous Documents,” in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. “Good Workers Come to St. George,” Washington County (UT) News, 26 Oct. 1916, 1.

[16] “Miscellaneous Documents,” in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. “Good Workers Come to St. George,” Washington County (UT) News, 26 Oct. 1916, 1.

[17] “Journal of Duncan McNeil McAllister,” in “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 1 Mar. 2020), Duncan McNeil McAllister (K2MC-48D), Memories. “Temple Recorder Will Be Honored,” Salt Lake Tribune, 24 May 1919, 11.

[18] “Duncan John Neil McAllister,” Go Ye into All the World (https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/missionary/, accessed 25 Feb. 2020). “Temple Recorder Will Be Honored,” Salt Lake Tribune, 24 May 1919, 11.

[19] “Utah State Archives Indexes,” database and images, Utah State Archives (https://archives.utah.gov, accessed 25 Feb. 2020); Utah Department of Health Office of Vital Records and Statistics Death Certificates, series 81448, file no. 816/242 (1931), Duncan McNeil McAllister. “Temple Record Custodian Dies,” Salt Lake Tribune, 17 May 1931, 28.