Born Feb. 1851 in Ohio.[1] Daughter of Joel Heathman and Lucretia Cole.[2] Married first Henry Melvin Fay, 8 July 1872, in Providence, Providence Co., Rhode Island; one child.[3] Traveled the world as a spiritual medium and mentalist, 1874–1924.[4] Married second David Henry Pingree, 21 May 1881, in New York City; one child.[5] Performed in Salt Lake City and visited with EBW, 1881, 1896, 1905.[6] Corresponded with EBW, 1894–1911.[7] First woman admitted to London’s Magic Circle (honorary associate), 1913.[8] Died 12 May 1927 in Melrose, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts.[9]
[1] 1860 U.S. Census, Cambridge, Henry Co., IL, p. 282, Ann E. Hethman. 1900 U.S. Census, Melrose, Middlesex Co., MA, ED 877, p. 2A, Anna E. Pingree. 1880 U.S. Census, Parkman, Geauga Co., OH, ED 77, p. 6B, Anna E. Fay. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed 12 Mar. 2021), Anna Eliza Heathman (K2LL-JC6).
[2] New York, Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Register of Marriages, New York City, 1829–1887, Registers, vols. 22–25, p. 64, David H. Pingree and Eva Fay, microfilm 1671680, DGS 7458806, image 402/709, FHL. 1880 U.S. Census, Parkman, Geauga Co., OH, ED 77, p. 6B, Anna E Fay.
[3] Providence, RI, City Registrar, Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Indexes, 1636–1920, Marriages, vols. 10–11, 1870–1876, pp. 148–149, Henry Melvin Fay and Anna Heathman, microfilm 914408, DGS 4250542, image 154/508, FHL. Summit Co., OH, Probate Court, Birth Records, 1866–1908; Index, 1869–1908, Birth Records, vol. 1, 1866–1880, pp. 298–299, John Trusdell Fay, microfilm 900946, DGS 4017041, image 176/493, FHL. Massachusetts, State Archives, Birth, Marriage, Death Records, 1906–1910, vol. 66, cert. no. 490, John T. Fay, microfilm 2257165, DGS 4282948, image 1083/1770, FHL.
[4] “Miss Annie Eva Fay,” Morning Post (London), 10 July 1874, 1. “Spiritualism,” Gazette (Montreal, Canada), 26 May 1883, 3. “Music Hall Buildings,” Aberdeen Journal (Aberdeen, Scotland), 19 May 1888, 1. “Something Wrong with the Spooks,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 19 Oct. 1890, 1. “Annie Eva Fay,” Hutchinson (KS) News, 24 Dec. 1891, 4. “A Message from Madame Blavatsky,” Aberdeen Journal, 20 Mar. 1893, 3. “Anna Eva Fay Hurt,” Rockford (IL) Daily Register-Gazette, 4 Jan. 1924, 12. “Anna Eva Fay, Mystic, Is Dead,” Ventura County Star (Ventura, CA), 13 May 1927, 4.
[5] New York, Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Register of Marriages, New York City, 1829–1887, Registers, vols. 22–25, p. 64, line 2544, David H. Pingree and Eva Fay, microfilm 1671680, DGS 7458806, image 402/709, FHL. Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Births, Marriages (1841–1895), and Deaths (1841–1899), Deaths, vol. 384, 1887, p. 18, Charles B. Pingree, microfilm 960236, DGS 4224887, image 32/617, FHL. “East Liverpool Briefs,” Evening Review (East Liverpool, OH), 7 Sept. 1885, 4. 1900 U.S. Census, Melrose City Ward 1, Middlesex Co., MA, ED 877, p. 2A, Anna E. Pingree.
[6] “Chips,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 2 Sept. 1881, 8. “Anna Eva Fay,” Salt Lake Herald, 13 Feb. 1896, 3. “Anna Eva Fay—The Modern Oracle of Delphi Lays Bare Life’s Mysteries,” Salt Lake Herald, 9 Apr. 1905, 12. “Vaudeville at Orpheum,” Salt Lake Herald, 19 Jan. 1908, 9. EBW, Diary, 31 Aug. 1881; 18 Feb. 1896; 14 Apr. 1905.
[7] EBW, Diary, 20 Jan. 1894 and 15 Sept. 1911.
[8] Eric J. Dingwall, The Critics’ Dilemma (By the author, 1966), 52.
[9] “Massachusetts, U.S. Death Index, 1901–1980,” database, (, accessed 12 Mar. 2021), Anna Eva Pingree; from Massachusetts Vital Records Index to Death, Department of Public Health, Registry of Vital Records and Statistics, Boston. “Anna Eva Fay, Mystic, Is Dead,” Ventura County Star (Ventura, CA), 13 May 1927, 4.