The Church Historian's Press

Woman’s Exponent

The Woman’s Exponent at the Church History Library

The Church History Library provides online access to the Woman's ExponentIn 2019 and 2020, the library published a series of articles highlighting the contributions and scope of this unparalleled record.

Excerpt: “Historians and archivists recognize how difficult it is to find women’s voices in historical records. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find correspondence and journals written by women. Often, we are left only with materials written by family members—frequently men. From these secondary sources we put together the pieces like a puzzle to formulate the lives of these women. However, at the Church History Library, we have a treasure trove of women’s voices in the Woman’s Exponent, a magazine for women written by women between 1872 and 1914.”

Series Articles

Women’s Rights and Suffrage

Using quotations from the recently digitized Woman’s Exponent, church history specialist Jen Barkdull explains how Latter-day Saint women used the magazine to express their unique views on women’s rights and suffrage. 

I Would Learn the Healer’s Art: Medicine and Remedies

In this second post in the series highlighting the Woman’s Exponent newspaper, Jen Barkdull uses quotations to feature women’s attitudes toward medicine and home health care.

Poetry Proponent

This third installment of the Woman’s Exponent series explores the significance and the beauty of the poetry published in the magazine.

Daughters of Zion: Female Biographical Narratives

In the fourth installment of the Woman’s Exponent series, church history specialist Anne Berryhill highlights the personal stories women shared through biographies, tributes, and reminiscences.

Pioneer Day

In the fifth post of the Woman’s Exponent series, church history consultant Emily Crumpton describes how women used the magazine to honor the pioneers and to report on Pioneer Day celebrations near and far.

Cooperatives: Learning, Thinking, and Working Together

In the sixth installment of the series highlighting the Woman’s Exponent, Anne Berryhill discusses how women worked together to cultivate themselves spiritually, intellectually, and financially through their industry.

The Great Debate: Editorials and Opposing Views

In the seventh post in the Woman’s Exponent series, Jen Barkdull explores the way women used the editorial feature of the newspaper to communicate, share their faith and feelings, and even disagree from time to time.

Acting with Authority

In the eighth post of the Woman’s Exponent series, Anne Berryhill explores how women shared their connection to the priesthood within the pages of the paper.

More Than a Domestic Drudge: Women and Education

In this ninth installment of the Woman’s Exponent series, church history specialist Michelle Sayers highlights the importance women placed on education, both for themselves and for their children.

“The Back Bone of the Kingdom of God”

In this tenth installment in the Woman’s Exponent series, church history specialist Faye Fischer looks at how the newspaper communicated ideas of religious doctrine, philosophical thought, and personal testimony.


In this penultimate post in the Woman’s Exponent series, Faye Fischer explores the resolutions and inspirational messages written in January issues through the years. 


In the final post of the Woman’s Exponent series, the authors reflect on their research experience and the historical and personal value of the newspaper.